I wrote a post on why I thought we should vaccinate our children here. In writing it, I started researching the MMR vaccine and autism. I knew I didn’t believe the…
Life with a newborn
I’m shocked every time I read about parents not vaccinating their precious babies. It makes no sense to me, I’m a scientist and an analyst, and through those rolls I’ve worked…
Being a parent REALLY means…
Life with a newborn, Life with a toddler, Life with baby, Lists December 4, 2015I’ve been a mummy for a whole year now, so what do I think being a parent means? What does being a parent really mean…. Talking about poo Removing spaghetti bolognese…
I’m excluding the usual car seat, pram, crib/moses basket, baby bath and concentrating on accessories and things things you might not think of Baby bouncer, mummy needs to put baby down…
I’m often late, and I know I’m not alone in this… Why, I hear you ask? Well, I have a baby, and baby’s appear notorious for delaying their parents departures… ?They…
Things no one tells you about the first 2 weeks with your newborn
Life with a newborn, Life with baby August 25, 2015It’s a complete blur! Yes, it’s true, you hardly sleep, you have loads of visitors, so, you just can’t sleep when baby sleeps as she sleeps when your visitors come or…
Tongue-tie nightmare – breastfeeding & combination feeding
Breastfeeding, Life with a newborn, Life with baby August 6, 2015It’s World Breastfeeding Week and so I thought I’d share part of my breastfeeding story and how out tongue-tie nightmare unfolded. ?My little Baby H was born with a tongue-tie. It…