I’ve literally just tried some Jamberry Nail Wraps and they look great! I’m so please with them I thought I should share it, as let’s face it we’re all busy people, but still want to look good. I often neglect my nails, and so was thrilled ?to hear of a product that might last longer than normal nail polish and secondly, applied quickly in my own home!
My friend Lucy is one if the first consultants for Jamberry in the UK (they only launch in April) so she gave all her friends a free sample to try. Lucy lives in Cheltenham, so if you’re local, she’s definitely your person for your nails, and if not, they arrive by post anyway, so you can still order from her!
Here are 5 reasons I’ll try Jamberry ?again:
- There was no risk of me getting nail polish around my nails as I usually do, or spilling it, or getting imprints in it…
- Easy to put on BOTH hands.., you know how you’re always better at painting one hand compared to the other… That’s not an issue with wraps!
- The variety… There are over 300 styles to choose from – see…
- Quick, ok I might have done it wrong, and I’ve not done the 7 day test yet, but they’re so simple to apply:
- peel off,
- heat with a hair dryer for 3-5 seconds,
- stick on
- then, trim?the rest, press in it and heat again doesn’t take long!
I actually didn’t read the last press and heat til I’d done them all and so I did it all at once.
- They’re a bit different!
I’ve only tried the free sample… which has limited sizes so?they don’t fit my thumb – I have big wide nails! ?What do you think?
I also think they’re really a brilliant price: you buy them by the sheet and one sheet of wraps is ?15, but the big bonus is one sheet is enough for 4 mani/pedis. Which is only ?3.75 per mani/pedi and they say they last much longer, even up to 4 weeks on your toes!
I’ll be back with a 7 day update next week!! I’ll also be posting pics to Instagram each day too, so follow me to see my progress ?
And, please?(like, pretty please with a cherry on top)?check out my friend Lucy’s Jamberry page and why not spice up your nails? They’re perfect for holidays and weddings, don’t you think?
Lynne x
Disclaimer: I received a free sample like pretty much anyone can get, and have not been paid or compensated for this review. The links do go to my friend’s Jamberry page, but I don’t get any compensation or money if you buy!?
May 20, 2016 at 8:14 pmI’m completely in love with Jamberry nails as well. I’ve got a rep as a friend so tried the free sample and am completely converted
May 20, 2016 at 9:50 pmthey look great. It seems a good option for a person who is not too much in manicure and all theses things, like me. A friend of mine is a consultant and the other day I saw her little girls with Jamberry and looked very cute.
Coombe Mill - Fiona
May 22, 2016 at 12:15 amthey look such fun, I never seam to get round to so much as a coat of clear varnish on my nails.

Coombe Mill – Fiona recently posted…Padstow Tide Times for 22nd May 2016
Alice Nipper and Tyke
May 22, 2016 at 10:49 amThey look great! I absolutely LOVE nail art, and usually manage to do my nails with art about once a fortnight, unless I know I’m going to be gardening or something in which case there is no point… but I digress. I will look out for these – it looks so quick, easy and pretty!
x Alice
May 22, 2016 at 12:21 pmlove the lacy white style. I haven’t painted my nails for so long. sob. #KCACOLS

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Laura @ Dot Makes 4
May 22, 2016 at 3:12 pmI haven’t painted my nails since I was pregnant with Dot! It takes so long and seems a lot more fiddly than I remember!
I love the idea of nail wraps. I’ve used some Children In Need ones before, but not instead of normal nail varnish. I think I’ll have to head over and take a look!
Laura xx
Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday 🙂

Laura @ Dot Makes 4 recently posted…I think I’m getting old…..
May 22, 2016 at 4:03 pmI have always wondered about these. Many of my friends in the states have hosted online parties but I have always been too nervous to try them as I’ve never been very good with my nails. Having heard someone talk about using them though makes me more interested. I will have to check it out more.
They look great on ya 🙂 #KCACOLS
Ali Duke
May 22, 2016 at 5:02 pmThese look lovely! Been a while since I have had my nails painted. I have just bought some new nail polish but haven’t had time to try it yet.

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tracey bowden
May 24, 2016 at 2:25 pmI have never tried these before but my sister uses jamberry nails wraps now to stop my niece biting her nails and they have worked! #kcacols

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Carol Cameleon
May 24, 2016 at 6:59 pmI’ve seen the name Jamberry around but never really knew what they were! These look fab and sound very easy. Win win! #kcacols

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May 24, 2016 at 10:21 pmOoo they look lovely! I keep seeing these wraps floating around social media and I really must try them! #KCACOLS xx

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Rachel Bustin
May 25, 2016 at 5:11 pmOh they look really nice. I have wide nails and huge thumb nails so really good that they come in different sizes xx

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Becky @ Educating Roversi
May 25, 2016 at 6:08 pmI have my nails done every two to three weeks and my nail lady has some wraps which are awesome. I love the pink lace one you have on. #KCACOLS
May 26, 2016 at 12:45 pmI think I would like these better if the sample I was sent was more to my taste. They were easier to put on that I thought though! #kcacols
You Baby Me Mummy
May 26, 2016 at 4:03 pmThey look great, what a fab product. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
Silly Mummy
May 26, 2016 at 9:52 pmPretty! I’ve actually never tried nail wraps – they look quite easy to do! #fabfridaypost

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