This is a hard one this week as we’ve been feeling utterly rubbish with this horrible cold that’s doing the rounds. After a few yuck days we’ve generally felt a better each day, and H much better. It’s a bit different having a cold when you’re a mummy or pregnant! So it really is the small things this week!! Looking back there are definitely more happy moments than I initially thought, that’s why I love writing this post each week.
1. Baby kicks
They’re getting bigger, and just like Toddler H I’ve started waking in the morning to baby’s bottom sticking out!
2. IPad
Our electricity had to go off briefly on Friday and so in preparation I decided to enter the world of CBeebies apps. I had heard for months how toddlers learn from them, shape sorting, following instructions and learning colours, so knew we’d take the leap at some point. Toddler H has loved it: she’s made sandcastle a with Duggee, decorated Christmas trees, saved animals with the Octonauts as well as shape sorted, coloured and drawn. It’s been great while she’s felt off, and been another way to make her sit – almost falling asleep sometimes!
3. Books
As we weren’t really doing much we’ve done quite a bit of reading – some books I now hate, others not so much. But it’s been lovely sat cuddling together reading so much.
4. Hubby
Last weekend I was feeling really rubbish, so hubby took H out to the shops. It cheered her up (buying shoes with daddy), and telling the man in Screwfix they were shopping for potatoes! She always says we’re shopping for potatoes 😂 It was a rest I much needed, and one H did too, as she had two naps & hubby had super strong drive thru coffee – so everyone was happy.
5. Toddler bed
Yes, last night (Friday) we made the leap! It was a bit unexpected, but we frantically ordered it on Thursday and she spent her first night in it last night. It went AMAZINGLY! We’re not counting our chickens yet though!
Her excitement all day about her new bed, her smiles and joy, really made the week better. She’s obviously wanted this for a long time but not been able to tell us. (Post on H’s new room and bed transition here)
6. Being crafty
I’ve been enjoying making a few crafty bits in the evening, a button frame for H’s room and a gift. You’ll have seen my ideas on Instagram if you follow me there:
7. Blog updates
Hubby made a few changes to my blog and hopefully it should load much faster now 👍🏻 Thank you amazing hubby!!
8. Blogging for Meet Other Mums
I’ve written my first post for Meet Other Mums and will be uploading it this weekend. I also received a lovely parcel with a #MumTribe Tshirt in it… and leaflets to help mums meet other mums. I know how much my mummy friends have helped me the last couple of years!
That’s it for the week, hoping for more activities next week!
Lynne xx
Laura - Dear Bear and Beany
January 28, 2017 at 9:16 pmSorry to hear you’ve been poorly, I hope you feel better soon. It’s so tough when you are pregnant too. We moved Holly to a bed last week and she loved it too. We’ve had a week of more sleep and no getting out! x #HappyDays

Laura – Dear Bear and Beany recently posted…Simple Things, Playdates, and Making our House a Home…Happy Days #41
Carol Cameleon
January 29, 2017 at 10:13 pmBut it’s good to hear that the little things really do add up to a whole lot of happy! The button designs are really pretty but simple and as for the potatoes!… you put a smile on my face! #happydayslinky

Carol Cameleon recently posted…One of the simplest ways to stay happy is… ~ Positive Thinking
Katy (What Katy Said)
February 5, 2017 at 2:34 pmHow gorgeous are those button pictures?!!! Love them!! Hope you are feeling better. Thank you so much for joining in #HappyDaysLinky xx