We have had SO many tantrums this week, poor H has been cutting a tooth (she’s only had three on the bottom front since Christmas). So it’s been a long time coming!
It finally cut through when we were shopping on Friday – those screams were not fun in a public place. Yes, it’s a thing that happens, but I still felt terrible that being out shopping made it harder for H. And well, no one wants to hear such painful screams when they’re shopping. Anyway, prior to Friday every time we’ve been out we’ve had tantrums. From “I don’t want to sit in the trolley” to I “must take my windmill and spikey ball into Dunelm”. Oh and of course “I will NOT sit in the pushchair!” – she hasn’t sat in it ONCE this week.
In other, potentially related news this little monkey of mine has only napped once this week. This TERRIFIES me, as that’s two weeks with only less than a handful of naps. Pleeeaaase tell me she’s not dropping the all together?
However, it was hilarious at Dunelm, where she insisted on taking the windmill and spikey ball, and no going in the pushchair, she started lying down in the floor, trying to sleep. All I could do was pick her up, where she snuggled into me trying to sleep. It only lasted seconds at a a time, but she really did want to. I’ve no idea how she still didn’t nap all day after behaviour like that. I really do miss her 30 minute naps now!! In saying all that she’s been doing similar at home snuggling into cushions and the floor but refusing to go to her cot for a nap, or to get in a pushchair never mind nap in one.
If anyone else’s toddler insists on taking a ball into a shop, stop hem. Do not under any circumstances let them take it it. It’s a nightmare. Playing fetch in Dunelm with herself was not the most fun game for mummy and he ball was put in her rucksack to “keep it safe”. Yes there was a tantrum, but better than keeping chasing the wretched flashing ball.
I’ve resorted to taking the Cartier with us wherever we go, and not really bothering with the pushchair. I just can’t face the arguments, and must admit the snuggly cuddles are nice.
Lynne x
July 17, 2016 at 10:17 amIt sounds like she’s growing quickly. I miss those nap days
Thank you for linking up

Photalife recently posted…#MySundayPhoto – Skater
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
July 17, 2016 at 12:03 pmPoor thing, teething is the pits! Good luck!
Coombe Mill
July 17, 2016 at 12:19 pmSounds like she is growing up very quickly! Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

Coombe Mill recently posted…Beaches Near and Far
July 17, 2016 at 7:34 pmAww, teething is awful. Carriers are fab, I loved using mine when my children were younger. They were great for getting them to sleep when noting else worked.
Merlinda Little (Glimmer of Hope)
July 18, 2016 at 6:51 amI remember having a phobia in going out when my son reached terrible 2s as he would just randonly throw a tantrum! So stressful even if I know in my head that its just a phase. #mysundayphoto

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