As you’ll guess from the title, I’ve made a bit if a boo boo on this count.
I bought a few baby toys from a girl who lives nearby, her little ones are too old didn’t need them anymore. I thought maracas and a tambourine would be fun toys for Baby H. She loves the maracas at the baby bounce sessions at the local library, and I’ve been meaning to buy her some.??
?So I cleaned them using anti-bac wipes. A few minutes later was busy cleaning bottles to be sterilised, and thought why not grow the new toys in too? In my sleep deprived state, this seemed like a sensible idea. Baby H had been up 3 times in the night and wide awake playing since 6am, with no nap in sight. So I popped them I the tub, dumped it in the microwave and went off to play with H. The microwave finished, and 10 or so minutes later I popped off to the kitchen to get the new toys for us to play with. This is what they now look like:
Well, these are no use to H! I was devastated (again baby brain = small things appear much bigger). I’d been so excited at her new toys and now she couldn’t play with them ? The maracas is split and warped, the tambourine also warped horribly.
Hubby thought it quite funny that I’d even thought to sterilise them when I, quite upset told him I’d wrecked H’s new toys. He thought I had used sterilising wipes or Milton, not microwave sterilising. It was only when showing him, that we twigged I’d put so much metal in the microwave…. See the metal discs and metal screws? We’re not sure how it didn’t spark (maybe it did I just wasn’t in the kitchen and the dishwasher was also on). So in actual fact, we’re very very lucky it’s only the toys that got a bit warped, as the kitchen is still in tact and the microwave still works!
Silly mummy with her sleepy baby brain! I feel so so stupid.
Have you done anything silly like this? Please let me know I’m not alone, or just show your support, by leaving me a lovely comment! ?
Lynne x
August 3, 2015 at 7:41 pmYou should never stupid! Being a Mummy is HARD! especially when beyond exhausted. I do tons of silly stuff, too many to mention! xx

cat recently posted…Max and the Star – Charity Bibs
August 4, 2015 at 7:42 amIt is hard! Thank you, I know what you mean about doing silly things, this just felt like more…. Putting kettle water in my cereal and forgetting to turn the oven off, didn’t ruin Baby H’s new toys. Xx
Emma's Mamma
August 3, 2015 at 8:17 pmOh bless you! I once put an Ella’s Kitchen pouch in the microwave and freaked out when it started sparking. Apparently they’re made of metal, which I knew but momentarily forgot lol #BabyBrainMonday

Emma’s Mamma recently posted…InstaNatural Stretch Mark & Scar Cream – review
August 4, 2015 at 7:45 amI bet you got a fright! I didn’t even think of that! I’ve been close to doing it, but I’m scared of the hotspots, so usually dump it in really hot water. There should be a big warning on them! X
Caroline (Becoming a SAHM)
August 3, 2015 at 8:37 pmOh bless you 🙁 does sound a lucky escape with all that metal! Don’t be hard on yourself though, baby brain and tiredness do make us all do funny things! thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx

Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…#MaternityMondays week 31
August 4, 2015 at 7:47 amAwww thank you! They really do do funny things, I can’t imagine how I’d concentrate at work! X
Nicola Lighterness
August 4, 2015 at 6:10 amAh we’ve all done things like this! I went to put formula powder in my tea the other day!! ? The top shelf of the dishwasher is the way forward with plastic toys in my opinion!!
Found you via #babybrainMonday, will be back for more! 🙂
August 4, 2015 at 7:39 amAwww thank you! Yes the dishwasher sounds like a much better option ? Thank you for reading and commenting x
Musing Mumma
August 4, 2015 at 9:11 amAhhh … baby brain! Hahahah! Gotta love it. #twinklytuesday
August 4, 2015 at 12:12 pmHaha yes! So unpredictable! X
August 4, 2015 at 7:17 pmOh no! I was always a bit scared of our steriliser although we had an electric one, I always thought that it was going to melt important things like bottle teats or the breast pump even though of course it was designed to sterilise them. Sleep deprivation is the worst, I don’t know how I got through some of the days when mine were smaller (although my 6 year old was up three times last night so it’s not over yet!)

Jennifer recently posted…Book review – Factivity: Incredible Space Sticker Activity book from Parragon
August 4, 2015 at 9:14 pmOh I usually have a similar fear! I did hope it got better by then, hope it was just a one off. Thanks for commenting x
Lisa (mummascribbles)
August 5, 2015 at 4:32 pmOh dear – it’s is maybe a little bit funny?! I support you in your baby brain moment though – I have such a terrible brain nowadays that I can’t even tell you if I’ve done something like this because I can’t remember! My brain is terrible with so much going on! Work, mummying, blogging! It’s too full up! I’m sure you will find some other stuff to give baby H 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
August 5, 2015 at 6:07 pmThank you for your support!! It is a bit funny now, especially as it was so obviously a no no! It’s funny how things change so much having a baby, but brilliant. Thank you for hosting x
August 6, 2015 at 10:33 amOh dear! I’ve done lots of loopy things due to baby brain’ glad all was ok (bar the toys!). Thanks for linking up to #babybrainmonday x
August 6, 2015 at 11:29 amI think we all have, I just don’t usually do things quite as silly ? Thank you for hosting xx
August Review, September Bucket List - New Mummy Blog
September 2, 2015 at 9:26 pm[…] Baby Brain: What Not To Sterilise […]
Bear and Cardigan
October 27, 2015 at 10:22 amWe all do silly things. I remember after a bad night putting instant coffee into mine and the OH mugs and put the kettle on, when it boiled I thought I’d have tea so put tea bags in and made tea. It was discovered on drinking! Needless to say its not a good taste!

Bear and Cardigan recently posted…Squeeze Please Reusable Pouch – Review
October 27, 2015 at 10:28 pmAh yuck!
January 25, 2016 at 8:45 pmI microwaved a thermometer once – one of those dummy one’s. It turned into a gloopy metallic mess and ruined the whole steriliser and all the bottles…gutted! I feel your pain!
Ellie @ Hand Me Down Baby
February 16, 2016 at 2:39 pmOh my goodness, you’re lucky the microwave didn’t blow up!

Hope you didn’t pay much for them, and at least it wasn’t anything absolutely essential. Can you look back at it and laugh now? 😀
Ellie @ Hand Me Down Baby recently posted…5 Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Parents
February 16, 2016 at 5:20 pmI know! Very lucky ?