From the moment I went to bed last night I’ve been waking every hour. Excitement, nerves, paranoia I’d sleep through my alarm. Today is the day. The day I meet so many fab amazing bloggers. People I respect, look up to, regard as the greats. Today is the day I learn more, figure out what I do next. Today is the day I attend my first blogging conference.
My alarm went off at 4.45. A rediculous time. A time I cursed when I worked and had to go to London Town for a meeting. Not today, I work 3 minutes before my alarm. I was wide awake and raring to go.
Round the corner from my house I drove past a well to do man, donning a tux. His stagger was quick and purposeful. Obviously keen to get home before his kids woke. It did make me chuckle. This is suburbia.
The coffee shop wasn’t open, the train a dreary two carriage thing without a coffee cart. But my excitement carried me through. My second train is decent, a proper GWR with a cafe. My latte did the job, I’m awake and feeling properly human.
But now, we’ve just passed Reading and my nerves have come back, so I’m writing this. I doubt I’ll ever feel these exact feelings again, I want to remember them.
In an hour I’ll be meeting my blogging besties, friends I’ve spoken to for nearly a year and never met. Friends I feel I know. I can’t wait!
Typing has helped my nerves so… I’ll leave it there for now…
Next post coming soon!!!
Lynne x
June 25, 2016 at 6:45 amI’m sure you’ll have an amazing time. Wishing I’d signed up to go now! Look forward to hearing all about it X

Mum-Work-Repeat recently posted…Wicked Wednesdays #7
June 25, 2016 at 10:45 amHave fun my lovely! Don’t be nervous just soak it all up. Xx

Briony recently posted…A Robinsons Water Challenge
June 26, 2016 at 7:58 pmThanks lovely! I was a bit of an odd day seeing so many familiar people and nerves did quickly disappear to be followed by… Seas of people to say hi to, and not enough time x
A Mum Track Mind
June 27, 2016 at 9:49 pmI hope you had a lovely day. I thought it was fantastic and I cannot wait for next year’s already! #thebabyformula

A Mum Track Mind recently posted…I’ve Been To BML16