The lovely Helen at All The Beautiful Things and Sarah at Run Jump Scrap have started a fab new linky, #ThrowbackThursdays. I love this idea and will try to take part each week. Here is my second….
All I can say is… “Kylie, Jason Donovan, and, CLIFF RICHARD, all on one hits tape, wow!”
To make it worse, I listened to this over and over and over and over again on my old brown WOODEN tape player. Now, that would be a #throwback! I wonder where it is…
Lyn x
September 24, 2015 at 4:18 pmI want it! Haha! I love 80s and all things retro. I still listen to vinyls. 🙂
Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
September 24, 2015 at 5:31 pmThe 80’s hit songs were the best….#ThrowbackThursday

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby recently posted…Tiger Temple in Thailand – My Captured Moment
September 24, 2015 at 5:32 pmOMG that’s fab!I still some of the old NOW! albums starting from number 2.Oh I’m so old 🙁 lol x #throwbackthursday

Pickinguptoys recently posted…Throwback Thursday #3
September 24, 2015 at 7:36 pmYESSSS! An 80s tape! me and my BFF used to make tapes and give them to each other on birthdays. Do kids even do that now? with playlists? On e mail? Our kids wouldnt know a tape if it hit them in the face….or how a pencil could possibly rewind one. Love this post! #throwbackthursday

PS did you eve record the charts on a Sunday?!
Mummuddlingthrough recently posted…‘To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it’
September 24, 2015 at 9:49 pmOh wow! All the time… Wow kids today are missing out, they really really are x
Elizabeth (Wander Mum)
September 24, 2015 at 9:43 pmEighties heaven! I was such a big Kylie and Jason fan! Love them #throwbackthursday
helen gandy
September 27, 2015 at 6:39 pmHaha, awesome!! Ahh the memories, I reckon I had something similar all those years ago! Thanks for linking up #throwbackthursday and see you again 🙂

helen gandy recently posted…My Sunday Photo – 27/09/15
September 27, 2015 at 8:10 pmLol I’m sure we all did. I guess the combination of artists wasn’t as ludicrous then as it is now (well, I hope!) x
Thanks for hosting x